Brazil's Remuneration Survey

For the sixth consecutive year, Page Executive in Brazil presents its compensation study exclusively for Presidents and Chief Executive Officers. Differently from the previous year, we launched this edition at the beginning of the first semester.

We point out here the changes contained in the elaboration of compensations for the company’s senior management, according to the political, social and economic scenario of the country in the year 2017. Defined by political and economic reforms directly affecting business management, the year 2017 was one of attention and caution.

Following a trend in search for high performance and entrepreneurial profile professionals, the companies started recruiting again in a more intelligent and profitable manner. Thus, they are prepared for the recovery of the market and eventual setbacks along the way.

We hope this material is useful in your career development and for your company’s guidelines.



Main highlights of our study :



Directors and officers liability insurance (D&O): This civil and criminal liability coverage became a high differential in the turnover of executives and, due to the political and economic scenario of the country, a practice to guarantee the security of senior management

Total compensation and Long-Term Incentives: The year 2017 was politically and economically challenging, although more stable than the previous year. As regards compensation balancing, this study reveals a decrease in the annual gross compensation for senior and middle management positions

Hiring (National and International scale): Study about the main models of the hiring of professional interviewed.


Compensation research national and multinational of the Presidents and Chief Executive Officers:

  • CEO
  • Commercial Director
  • CHRO
  • CFO
  • COO
  • CIO


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